Sunday, September 23, 2007

Getting Started with Options Trading

If you are just getting started with options trading, you may feel a bit overwhelmed, since there is a wealth of available options and a multitude of ways to trade these same options. However, if you are determined, you can implement options trading as a successful investment strategy. You only need to realize what your ultimate goal is and what you hope to accomplish.

Since options trading can take on multiple roles in an investment portfolio, it is imperative that you have clear aim and focus before employing this particular method of investing. For example, your goal may be to protect your investment portfolio if the market takes a turn for the worst, or perhaps you have decided that you would like more income from your stocks. Whatever your goal or strategy is, it is essential to have one.

The next step, after deciding what you hope to achieve with options trading, is to begin learning about different options trading strategies so that you can implement a strategy or combination of strategies that will prove effective for your investment goals. There are a many strategies available for trading options, but the ones you implement will depend on what you hope to achieve.

After you have done your research, you are almost ready to begin trading options. Now you will need to choose a brokerage firm. The brokerage firm you choose will depend on the level of personalized service that you will require. If you are not yet quite comfortable with investing, you will do best to choose a firm that will guide you along as you master options trading. If you are pretty comfortable with your knowledge level, then you may choose to go with a discounted firm that does not offer the same level of personalization as the more expensive firms.

Before you begin trading options, you will be required by your brokerage firm to fill out and submit an options trading agreement. This form is used by the firm to ascertain your knowledge of options trading as well as your overall investment knowledge.

Your firm will approve you for a certain level of options trading based on the information you provide on the options trading agreement form. So if you are just getting started, it is probably safe to say that you will not be approved for certain strategies at first. This is because some of the strategies associated with options trading are pretty risky for an unknowledgeable person, and the firm uses this as sort of a built in protection feature, for both the client and itself.

Trading stock options can be a rewarding experience, both mentally and financially. However, in order to gain the most from your options trading experience, you must be diligent about your research and willing to continually expand your trading knowledge.

Daniel Beatty, DVM is an option trader that specializes in trading conservative strategies. He runs an informational website and blog providing details on how to trade these strategies along with reviews of the best option courses and books. To take advantage of this great information and more make sure you check out Dr. Dan's site at