Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Learn FOREX Trading in 6 Simple Steps

This article is for anyone who wants to learn FOREX trading with the view to making big profits.

Its a well-known fact that anyone can learn FOREX trading - but very few traders make big profits.

Here we are going to show you how to learn the basics and apply them with the right mindset to succeed.

The Six Steps:

1. Attitude

Firstly, its a well-known fact that the traders who make the money, approach FOREX trading with the attitude they will do what it takes to succeed. This means they dont listen to gurus or read tip sheets - they do it for themselves.

Too many novice traders think they can follow someone else and be successful - but the only person who can give you success is you!

2. Method

If you are going to trade FOREX, you need a method - and this does not involve day trading - it involves long term trend following. The big currency trends last for months or years - and your aim is to lock into these currency trends, and make big profits.

The best way to catch these long-term trends is to use a breakout method - this is a PROVEN way to make money, and breakout methods form the basis of many top-trading systems.

Good software is available form such vendors as Omni trader, Trade station, and Supercharts any of these programs will allow you to test a method, and then when youre confident, trade it.

3. Discipline

By developing a method you are confident in, means that you will be apply to apply it to the markets - and stick with it, even through loosing periods.

Most traders who follow gurus and tip sheets cant do this and as they havent developed a method themselves, they soon throw in the towel and discipline goes out the window.

4. Knowledge

You can learn a breakout method very quickly - but you still need to overcome the psychological pitfalls of trading. Read some books that focus on this area - some of the best include:

Jack Schwagers Market Wizards and New Market Wizards

Edwin Le Feurves Remisenences of a Stock Operator

Also, any books by: Jake Bernstein and Larry Williams.

These books are motivational, and will keep you focused on the your task.

Trading is all about applying a trading system with discipline - and these books will help you achieve this.

5. Taking a Risk

When learning FOREX trading, most traders try and restrict risk above all else. However, they do it to such a degree, that they end up taking losses as they get stopped out the market. In many instances, the direction they chose was right but they just didnt give the trade enough room on the downside.

If you want to make big money by FOREX trading, keep in mind that with risk goes reward.

Taking calculated risks is quite different from being rash - you simply need to wait for the right opportunity, and have the courage of your conviction.

6. Trade in Isolation

Trade in isolation to stay focused - keep in mind that if you are subject to the opinions and views of others, which may differ from your own - it will put you off.

The fact that you may be doing trades no one else may agree with, is good - Why? Simply, because 90% of traders lose - so the mass opinion is not the one to follow.

Learn FOREX Trading

If you want to learn FOREX trading, and make big money - you can do it. The proof is an experiment over two weeks, with a group of novice traders. These traders were nicknamed the turtles and they went on to become some of the most famous traders of all time.

If you want to learn FOREX trading, dont fall into the trap of believing that you can follow someone else. Get the knowledge - and then take responsibility for your own financial success. You will then be doing what 90% of traders dont do - and you can then enter the elite 10% of traders who pile up huge profits consistently.

New! A valuable FREE Currency Trader CD containing 9 critical trading reports, tips, strategies and currency trading info. Visit our web site now and grab your CD

How To Start Investing For Financial Independence, Part 1

Today, I am going to start a multi-part series about how to go from being a beginning investor to being financially independent in a steady and predictable way. At our website, we get tons of e-mails about how do I start, how do I start with little $s, etc., etc., etc. If you are asking this question, congratulations because you are ahead of most. All of us have been there at some point.

I must warn you. What I am about to share here for free is what gurus across the nation charge thousands of dollars for in weekend seminars. The secrets revealed are going to seem pretty simple because quite frankly, there are no secrets. The methods used here have been done for centuries and there is no real reason to complicate them. Lets apply these principles to see how fast someone might become financially independent without betting the farm.

Realize that everybody has wildly different starting points and different financial goals. For this series of articles, we assume that an individual has access to at least $15,000 liquid capital (or home equity) to start, is at least breaking even with their current income versus expenses, and has decent credit to obtain financing. Note there yet?.... See the footnote below.

To start, what you need is to make your money grow while keeping your current income stream, and current expense level in place. I cant say this more plainly..To change your current financial path, you have to us your money and your time to grow additional income streams that increase wealth. There is many ways to do this but we are going to use investing in real estate as an example.

Now for beginners, here is the really bad news As an investor, you reap rewards by putting your money in HARMS WAY. You do everything in your power to minimize your risk but bottom line is that real investors make money by taking CONTROLLED risks. As investors get better, they learn how to make fantastic investment returns doing things that all their friends and relatives thing is crazy.. However, they know exactly what risks they are taking are why those risks are small in comparison to the potential rewards.

One reason people really like real estate investing is leverage; i.e, you can purchase an expensive property using 0-20% of your own money while financing the rest. So if you put 10% down for example, and then the property goes up by 20%, you have made a 200% return (ignoring expenses, taxes, etc. for simplicity). Of course this works in reverse If the property drops by 20%, you have lost not only your original investment but have to come up with another 10% as well.. Ouch!

For someone beginning, here is what I would suggest: 1) Look for an opportunity that will return at least 150% in 2 yrs or less;

2) Be mentally and financially prepared if the investment does not work out;

3) Have VERY good reasons why you dont think you will lose money You may not make as much as expected but you would rather not lose money at this stage.

4) Be patient. This single result should not either make or break you but it is crucial to a longer term plan.

In our Mastermind Group, we are bringing out a land project (see related article Land Investing that appears to meet these criterion (each investor has to decide for themselves). So lets say the purchase price is $150,000, with 10% down and another $3,500 in closing costs. With good credit, then the financing obtained would make the land payments for 2 years while waiting for growth.

Now lets say after you did your analysis, looked at what had happened in the past, looked at why you thought more and more people would want this property, etc., you decide that you think this property will average 20%/Yr escalation over the next 2 years. MORE IMPORTANTLY, you decide that barring a major meltdown in the market, you think there is little chance that you cant at least break even after 2 years.

So if you end up being right about the growth, then you might net a tidy $43,000 (before taxes) or so after everything is considered. After long term capital gains at 15% lets say, then you just picked up about $36,000 of the markets money. That is money that if you take a loss on the next investment will not be nearly as painful as if you lost your original money. When you combine this with your original investment amount, you now have around $55,000 of operating capital for step 2.

Realistically, you cannot predict how much you will make from the investment. When I invest, I try to establish in my mind what is reasonable. Frequently, I have been surprised to the positive and made much more than expected. Sometimes I have made less. The key being to put yourself in a low risk situation where you have a strong reason to believe the market will go in your favor.

To accomplish this first step, lets look at what you really had to do:

1) Had to be willing to put $$ in harms way;

2) Had to educate yourself enough to evaluate the risk and the opportunity;

3) Had to find the opportunity or be in a position to have the opportunity presented to them;

4) Had to act.

I would like to comment on the education side. As a former professor, I have seen very smart people spend 1,000s of hours and 10,000s of thousands of dollars educating themselves to earn a living; this is a great move in many cases. On the other side, I have seen very smart people who want investing to be a major source of income but will not spend any time or any money educating themselves.

To me, this is a recipe for disaster. By the time we finish this series, you will see that with a few simple steps, implemented over time, many people can easily produce more money than from their regular job. Furthermore, many people will put 100s of thousands of dollars at risk but know almost nothing about what they are doing. If you chose the path of making your investment dollars grow steadily with time, I hope this does not end up describing you.

** Footnote: If you are not yet at that level, here is what I suggest. First, read Michael Mastersons book called Automatic Wealth. This is an excellent book on how to rapidly change your financial position while staying employed. Next, I would read Van Tharps new book called Safe Paths To Financial Freedom. Van uses a very different thought process from many and so adds a great deal of rounding. Like anything else, you will not agree with everything written in these books but they provide some great thought processes. When you have some capital and are cash flow positive, them come back and revisit this article.

Chris Anderson is a leading authority on preconstruction real estate investing and has been referenced in many venues including the New York Times and USA Today. Free sign up at to get continuing education and articles or visit his Investing Mastermind Group to get access to world class investing projects.

How a First Time House Flip Went Bad

Lets call him John. A bright and hard worker just trading time for dollars at his regular job. His first house flipping experience could have been a lot better.

John was watching Property Ladder on the A&E network one day and got the bright idea to flip a house himself. After all, those people were making money. A complimentary show Flip This House confirmed that money could be made, lots of money.

If you havent seen Property Ladder, its a television show that features first time home flippers. Usually in that show the inexperienced flipper, egged on by Kirsten Kemp, make almost a years salary or more by fixing up an old house and selling it. Kirsten Kemp is a veteran of flipping houses and is a bit too pretty to be mistaken for Bob Vila.

John figures that the people featured in these shows are not all that bright and certainly he could do as well. With a bit of nervousness John put a 10% down payment on a home that needed repairs and begin the repair process. Or did he?

The first thing John did was to ponder what really needed to be fixed and if he needed a contractor to do it. Two weeks went by.

After getting several bids, John chose a contractor to come in and totally renovate the property for $11,000. That included paint, carpet, appliances, and a new wall to turn an open area into another bedroom. Once it was agreed, the contactor was to start working. As luck would have it, the contractor had some unfinished jobs and couldnt start for another two weeks. John was patient, after all it was going to be a great flip and he was going to make money. It was just another $800 for an extra month, no big deal.

Once the contractor started he stared with a bang. Just like on the show Flip this House a big yellow dumpster was deposited on the lawn and a crew started ripping out wall paper and junk from the house. That demolition lasted about two days.

The next thing this go getter contractor did was to disappear for another two weeks. The excuse: Men had quit and another job was pushing them behind.

To make a long story short, the contract took 8 months to get nearly complete, and then John pulled the plug and fired the contractor.

John paid others to come in a finish what was started. He had now 9 months of house payments into the project, 10% down, and construction costs.

After the house was ready, John listed it with an agent, and it sat another month. John lowered the price a bit with the prompting of the agent, but got cold feet after two weeks and wanted to raise it again. Too late! The house had a full price offer. Good news, sort of.

All said and done John made a little money and got a whole lot of experience. It was a flop, but at least he didnt lose money.

Lets review what John, now wiser, could have done differently on his first flip.

Firstly, putting 10% is ok, but not ideal. John should have used private money or have financed the property at 100%. That money could have been used for fix up rather than being tied up in the property.

Second. John waited too long to decide what he was going to do. He should have known before he bought the property what his plan was. This would have saved two weeks at least.

Third. While John got a referral for the contractor, he should have gotten more bids. A deadline for the completion of the job, with penalties, should have been written in the contract.

Fourth. John waited too long to fire the contractor once he knew there was a problem. He was afraid that he would still owe the full amount if he terminated the contractor before the work was done. A proper contract would have prevented that fear.

Sixth. John listed with a realtor too early. The property should have been for sale by owner from day one and John should have tried to market the property himself.

Seventh. The price was set, and then changed too quickly. Better marketing would have netted John with a nicer profit. John should have known the selling price even before buying the property.

A lot of mistakes were made, but John still made a slim profit. All is well that ends well, but you dont need to make these same mistakes. Learn from John.

Scott Ames is publisher of a website dedicated to those interested in flipping houses for profit, either retail or wholesale. You may visit the site at

Investing - Enjoy the Precious Metals Commodities Ride

Our rather pessimistic articles of late on the housing bubble, the ominous warnings from a long list of financial experts and their suggestions on how to best weather the impending financial hurricane have been refuted by none other than the well read author of our "Crazy Man" articles (see "A Crazy Man's Rant or Right On? You be the Judge" and "Crazy Man's Rant - He's Crazy Like a Fox!") who sees things completely differently. Who is right - the eternal optimist with a different take on the economic environment or the big bad bears? Below are his comments.

"I have been beset, of late, by a number of anomalies in what I read and know about the economy and how they translate into an imminent housing collapse and how those linkages to other major segments of the economy would cause general economic bedlam.

Be that as it may, I am convinced that we are in the early stages of a multi-year secular commodities bull market.

I am equally convinced of "peak oil" and the merits of energy investments whether they be for reasons of supply, geopolitical or for environmental reasons.

I am also convinced of the large and continuing incremental demand for base metals and other commodities by the growing economies of Asia centered around China and India.

And, finally, I am totally convinced that this demand for base metals and other commodities will continue to escalate even if recession becomes the order of the day in the United States and other developed western economies because of the explosion of savings and demand by the growing middle class of Asia.

I am puzzled, however, as to why you are so convinced that housing demand and prices are on the brink of tanking.

As I see it the recent increase in short term interest rates are not that unsettling (John Mauldin, in his most recent article entitled 'When Will the Fed Stop?' supports my contention making the point that from an historical basis the Fed funds rate is not that high given the fact that from 1946 through 2000 the median fed fund rate was over 6% and yet the U.S. economy grew rapidly during that period) and the almost permanently static longer term interest rates continue to make housing a tremendously affordable proposition. In addition, institutional lenders continue to bend over backwards to accommodate buyers.

Your "Our Worst Nightmare" articles on the housing market (see "Our Worst Nightmare - The Puncture of the Current US Housing Bubble" and "Our Worst Nightmare - The Bubble Has Burst") are sensationalist and misleading. Housing is a hard commodity. It is real, concrete, can be seen and used. Compared to paper representing bonds and equity shares, it is tangible just as all other commodities are. So if we are really in a commodity secular bull cycle, why should we despair over the suggested imminent collapse of the housing market? Where is the nightmare? Moreover, if the FED continues to be accommodative in terms of money supply, interest rates and credit generally, why should the buoyant housing market fall apart prompting all the other elements of the economy dependent upon it to do the same? Again I ask: where is the nightmare?

As I see it, official employment figures indicate a strong economy and the CPI index is not in the least inflationary. Also, surveys of consumer and producer confidence stand almost at multi-year highs. Knowing that Robert Prechter preaches that public attitudes and social mood lead to behavior and activity - not the other way around as we almost all believe - this public optimism bodes well for a continuation of the current economic reality. With an always accommodating FED policy of M3 annual growth in the money supply of almost ten percent, all should be sweetness and light for continuing consumer led demand and economic growth. As I see it, all your 'ominous warnings and dire predictions' are also way off base and are alarmist at best.

You go on and on in your "Ominous Warnings and Dire Predictions" articles (see "Ominous Warnings and Dire Predictions of the World's Financial Experts Part 1 and 2 of a 6 part series) about all kinds of things but:

a) fail to address why so many people are so optimistic given the obvious inflationary consequences of growth in the money supply, bubble-like housing prices and a loss of affordability because of rising house prices.

b) fail to express concern that official numbers relating to the Consumer Price Index, unemployment, GDP and other measures of economic reality are largely bogus and

c) fail, most importantly, to mention the unfunded liabilities of Social Security IOU's, Medicaid, Medicare and its new drug plan, Freddie and Fannie Mae and the Pension Guaranty Corporation which purportedly backstops underfunded private and public sector defined benefit pension plans.

Now I may be talking out of both sides of my mouth here but I also feel strongly that this lengthening list of economic fundamentals are, indeed, alarming and can not continue indefinitely without a blow up. Politicians and central bankers along with their cheerleaders in the brokerage, banking and mutual fund industries, assisted by a largely ignorant and culpable popular news media, will, however, do their best to leave the toiling masses largely ignorant of economic realities for as long as possible.

Inevitably though, when the 'dam breaks' or the 'deck of cards' collapses, it will be quick and calamitous in its magnitude and impact. That is why I am well positioned in precious metals (gold and silver bullion, mining company shares and some well placed long term precious metals warrants to reap the major benefits of leverage these assets continue to give my portfolio) but somewhat less so in base metals and energy. That is my comfort zone which allows me to sleep soundly because it is the best way to protect my hard earned equity and prosper from the fallout of the coming financial collapse. The only thing I do not know is the extent of this future financial dislocation or its timing. What the heck, life wouldn't be very interesting if we could predict the future with absolute certainty, now would it?

For what it is worth, and I have been laughing all the way to the bank of late, I believe we are in a genuine commodities bull market and, as such, see no need to spend much time paying attention to the daily ebbs and flows of the market for these investments. I have done my research and analysis and taken a position. I periodically review the performance of my investments, fine tune them on occasion and then get on with my life confident that the markets will develop as we know they are destined to with our assets safe and growing. If there is a fiscal hurricane approaching as you suggest I am confident my portfolio is secure. (See "Warning! Fiscal Hurricane Approaching! Is Your Portfolio Secure?").

Call this the standard 'buy and hold' approach if you will, but it isn't. Traditional buy and hold investing makes a fetish out of percentage asset allocation between market sectors, stocks and bonds, picking individual stock winners and pruning losers all in the name of 'balance and diversification.' Lighten up and enjoy the commodities ride."

The bottom line conclusion appears to be for investors to strategically position themselves in a wide variety of assets including precious metals, mining shares and long-term warrants.

Dudley Baker is the owner/editor of Precious Metals Warrants a market data service which provides you with the details on all mining & energy companies with warrants trading on the U. S. and Canadian Exchanges. As new warrants are listed for trading we alert you via an e-mail blast. You are provided with links to the companies' websites, links to quotes and charts, tips for placing orders.

Online Currency Trading Strategy The Insider Secret

If you have an online currency trading strategy, then you should incorporate the advice given in this article to make bigger profits - and maybe even change a losing system into a winning one.

The advice were giving here is contrary to almost everyone else on this subject - keep in mind however that 90% of traders lose! So, lets stay away from the losers and make some profits.

Get Set for Bigger Profits

So, whats this insider secret anyway? - Its about looking at money management in a different light.

Money Management and your Odds of Success

Most traders are virtually guaranteed to lose - because they have money management strategies that ensure they are constantly going to get stopped out by normal market volatility.

For example, many traders risk say 2% of their equity on a trade. On small accounts, this amounts to just a few hundred dollars. They enter the trade, and market volatility ensures their stop is hit. The market then goes back in the direction they had anticipated - and piles up thousands of dollars! Our trader though, thinks he was just unlucky - and tries again, but he wasnt unlucky, and volatility will take him out every time.

Money Management Guaranteed to Lose

A string of small losses soon adds up, and the trader runs out of money - and his online currency strategy is at an end.

The trader may have been right, on where markets were going - but got stopped out of the trade - and ended up losing instead of winning.

Does this sound familiar? - It happens all the time.

How to Protect Equity and make Bigger Profits

Here are seven tips to incorporate into your currency trading strategy, to protect equity and build huge profits.

1. Dont listen to advisors or brokers. Advisors dont care if you win or lose - and brokers certainly dont mind, as they work on the assumption you will lose anyway. The more commission a broker makes the better - and tight stops ensure this.

2. You need to risk more per trade - so you need to be very selective in trades. Forget day trading, and concentrate on the big, longer-term trends.

3. Keep in mind this truism with risk goes reward. Without risk, there cannot be big rewards. Currency trading offers big rewards - but you have to be prepared to take the risk.

4. Taking a risk with no thought, and taking a calculated risk, is entirely different. If you are taking a bigger risk, you are not necessarily going to lose - it depends on the logic behind the trade - and the profit potential. Thats why you should trade sparingly - and concentrate on the big trends.

5. Use up to 10%, or maybe even more, on the trades you are confident in - these are the big moves - and you dont want to be stopped out!

6. Dont move stops up too quickly to protect equity big currency trends last months or years - so give the trade room to move. You dont want to get into a big trade, and get stopped out on the first correction - if you think the trade is going to be big, then have the courage of your conviction.

7. Use options as a vehicle theyre great if used correctly - to give you staying power. Use at the money, or in the money options - with plenty of time value, for greater staying power. Options are a great tool, but NEVER buy out of the money options - or options that are close to expiry.

An online currency strategy consists of a number of components - and the one that lets down the bulk of traders, is money management. They try so hard to avoid risk, but end up creating it - and lose. Dont make this mistake in your currency trading strategy - you need to take risks, pure and simple - and as the famous, US general George Patton said:

Take calculated risks - that is quite different from being rash

The fact is, most traders dont believe this they end up creating risk by trying to avoid it - and thats why their currency trading strategies fail every time dont make the same mistake!

New! A valuable FREE Currency Trader CD containing 9 critical trading reports, tips, strategies and money management info. Visit our web site now and grab your CD

Forex Trading - The 3 Keys to a Winning Trader's Mindset

Forex trading is simple to learn, and anyone can acquire the skills - so, why is it that 95% of traders lose money? Many traders lose money because they have poor methods, though some have sound methods but still lose - because they lack the right mindset to succeed.

Here well look at the three keys for getting the mindset of the millionaire traders.

1. Desire and Passion

If you want success in anything - including forex trading, then you must desire success. If you have the desire, then youll do whats required to succeed. If you look at any of the legendary traders, they all had desire - and they loved what they did with a passion.

You must also have desire and passion for what you do. However, thats not enough - you must also avoid worrying about risk and setbacks. Currency trading success doesnt come easily so, if you cant build up the strong desire and passion required for successful trading, then you should find something else to do - as youll lose your money trading in the currency markets.

If however, you accept that its not any easy road - and youre prepared to put in the effort, then forex trading can earn you an income that most people can only dream of.

2. Confidence

You hear traders talk a lot about discipline when forex trading - but you dont hear them talk much about confidence. However, confidence is a vital component of your forex trading strategy - confidence in yourself not in some mentor, or guru youre following.

If you want to succeed in currency trading, then you have to have rock solid confidence that your currency trading system this will lead you to currency trading success. You must retain your confidence, even when youre losing money - and therell be periods when you lose money, for weeks, or months on end.

If you dont have unshakeable confidence that youll ultimately succeed, then currency trading will break you and youll throw in the towel before you become a winner.

To have confidence, you need to understand exactly how, and why your forex trading strategy works. This will give you a trading edge - and ultimately, success. If you dont know what your trading edge is, then youll be joining the majority of traders - the ones who lose money!

3. Discipline

Youve probably heard that discipline is vital to trading success - and if you think that following a system with discipline is easy then, think again.

Lets look at an example of just how hard currency trading with discipline really is: In the eighties, legendary trader Richard Dennis taught a group of traders with no previous experience, how to trade - and he gave them a method they could all use. In 14 days, these traders were given trading accounts - and collectively, they quickly made over $100 million.

They were all successful traders - yet there was a huge variation between the results of the individual traders. In Curtis M. Faiths great book The Way of the Turtle, he discusses this in depth and the lesson is: Learning a successful trading system is not enough! You need the correct mindset to execute the system correctly and nothing can prepare you for this. You simply have to experience it yourself - and its tough trying to stick with a currency trading system, when the pressure is on - and youre losing money. Money is on the line and emotions are involved.

Many forex traders try to prepare for trading, with demo accounts - and making big percentage wins. However, theres no pressure - its practice, and its easy try doing it for real, with real money thats when if becomes difficult!

Now you have them - the three keys to adopting the right mindset, in order to achieve currency-trading success. Its not easy to achieve the winning traders mindset - but when the rewards are as great as they are in FX trading, you wouldnt expect them to be.

If you can adopt the right mindset, the world of currency trading will give you immense rewards for your effort. Good Luck!

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Forex Beginners Guide - Learn How to Trade in Forex Market from the Basics

Todays Forex trading is well known as a lucrative way to make money online. It became an essential part for investors portfolio as you can simply gain thousands in minutes by trading currencies at home. For those who are new to the trade, Forex means Foreign Exchange Market where it involves buying and selling the different currencies of the world. Profits are made through the difference of selling and buying price you earn when you buy-low sell-high while lose when buy-high sell-low.

Forex is a true 24-hour market. The trade begins each day in Sydney, and moves around the globe to Tokyo, London, and then New York. Unlike any other financial market, investors can respond to money-value fluctuations caused by economic, social and political events at the time they occur - day or night. Major currencies traded nowadays are United States dollars, Australian Dollars, Japanese Yens, British Pounds, Swiss Francs, Canadian Dollars, and the Euro Dollars.

In the past, small speculators are not allowed to trade Forex freely as it is now. The minimum required business sizes are large and the financial requirements for trading foreign currencies are strict. Only huge multi national cooperation and banks are able to fit into the business. In fact, large international banks are still the remain as the main players in currency exchange market. Deutsche Bank is one of the top currency traders; along with other major banks like UBS, Citi Group, HSBC, Barclays, J. P. Morgan Chase, Coldman Sachs, ABN Amro, Morgan Stanley, and Merril Lynch; these banks are said to be responsible for more than 70% trades in currency market. Forex trade is not open to the publics until year 1998, where big sized inter-bank units are sliced into smaller pieces and offered to individual traders.

It is simple to get started in Forex trading, an funded Forex account and a computer connected to the Internet is more than enough to get you moving. However, to start trading and to earn in the trades are different. Trading Forex is a high risks game and traders should always follow certain principals, listed below are a few of must-dos when trading in Forex market.

1. Educate yourself before trading in Forex market

As in any trading markets, building up your trading skills and knowledge is the very first step that you must take. Forex website might be a good spot to get started for Forex beginners. To further your learning in Forex trading, seminars, workshops, video tutorials, online learning, or even books are handful to help us learn from the professional. Learn to implement technical charting into your trades; learn using indicators to determine the right time to enter/exit the market; brush up your experience by trading with a demo account all these are effective to ensure your smooth starts and it will definitely reduce your chances of losing money.

2. Having a trading plans

A good trading plan is much needed no matter you are a beginner or an expert in Forex trading. The Forex market itself is just a vehicle, to go to your desired destination, which is to gain profit and achieve financial freedom in our case, you have to drive your vehicle with maps and navigations. How much do you want to earn from the trades? How much you can afford to lose if things go wrong? What is the amount of capital you are putting in? Answer the questions to yourself when you are setting your trading plan. If you fail to plan, you are indeed plan to fail.

3. Mature mindsets and discipline trading

Trading Forex with discipline is important. Success in Forex trading could not be achieved by only plotting out the best trading plan. It is also depends on implementing the trading plan. Be discipline, trade according to your plan and never trade with your emotion no matter you are losing money or winning. Greed will stop you from taking profit at predetermined level; while fear will stop you from making the nice kill in the market.

Without a doubt, Forex is getting more and more popular. There are less restrictions in FOREX market. No limited market access, no liquidity issues-after market hours, zero commission fees, low capital requirements, and no restrictions on short selling. However, the risks in Forex trading should not be taken for granted. As you can always trade in margin, you might lose a lot more than you can afford if you dont plan your investment wisely. Seminars, e-Books, Internet, papers, plus video courses are all you need first before getting involved in the market.

Teddy, writer and webmaster in financial investment. Learn Forex trading from scratch in his website at

Corporate Lawyers In Washington State

Corporate lawyers are needed for the works a corporate have. Corporate lawyer will do many things that are related to the corporation workings. It will help your corporation in getting a legal, official charter or articles of incorporation from the state for your corporation. In case of any litigation it will help you to fight it or come to any solution. You will also need corporate lawyers for advice and suggestions they can provide you with in the process of running the business. Your corporation or businesses have so many dealings, so many business activities, for which you will need a corporate lawyer.

You will need him for assistance in the legal matters. As in business many complications and legal matters may arise, so you will need corporate lawyers, who will take care of such matters for you. A corporate lawyer can even help in drafting business plans. Corporate lawyers can help in acquisitions, plant establishment, share trading and such other business activities. Washington is one of the business hubs in United States of America. So many different manufacturing companies are there in Washington like aircraft and missiles, chemicals, shipbuilding and other transportation equipment, metals and metal products, lumber, machinery etc.

There are other manufacturing companies like boats builders, trucks, space exploration equipment manufacturer, food processors, fruits, and vegetables and the makers of beverages, instrument manufactures, electro medical equipment, lumber and plywood manufacturer, computers peripheral manufacturers, construction equipment manufacturer, pulp and paper manufactures, printers and publishers manufacturer etc. So with so many companies working in different sectors the need for corporate lawyer is high. Washington economy is dependent on these companies. They are flourishing there because of the easy availability of the needed resources. To control these businesses and to comply with the legal requirements of the government, they need the expertise of the corporate lawyers.

Corporate lawyers in Washington will help their clients prepare and file for licenses. They help in filing applications for approval from the regulatory authorities also. They represent the client in such administrative adjudications. You can search for corporate lawyers in some websites to find out the corporate lawyer in your place. Corporate Lawyer locator is available for easy search of such lawyers. Websites provide information on the lawyers, their profile, their experiences, their history and charges etc. Listings are provided to the interested lawyers who can list themselves and their services. They can include their profiles in these websites. Corporate lawyers specialize in different areas.

So you will find lawyers handling different corporate functions. Lawyers may specialize in areas like bankruptcy, international law, environmental law, intellectual property etc. Lawyers may be categorized according to the clients also. You will find corporate lawyers working specially for waste disposal agencies, timber companies, computer and technology companies, construction companies, insurance companies, real estate companies, food processing companies and so on. Some corporate lawyers specialize in a modern day issue of intellectual property right. They help the clients to protect their copyrights, logos, trademarks, product design, softwares etc. from illegal use and such activities which may hamper in the profit. Another very busy field is insurance, where corporate lawyers help the companies to avoid unwarranted claims. They represent the insurance companies against claims in the court. These Washington corporate lawyers help in creating policies in accordance to the law prevailing in the Washington state.

Corporate Law can vary by state. There are different types of corporations in Washington like close corporations, S corporations, professional corporations, nonprofit corporations, and general corporations etc. You will find different corporate lawyers and corporate law firms for all these different corporations. In Washington you will find lawyer who does private practice. Some work for firms. Some others work for different companies. You can always hire a single lawyer or a law firm, when you need, for doing your chores in law related activities. You can also employ one full time for regularly doing such activities.

There are some corporate lawyers employed by the government at various levels. They help in developing programs, create laws, establish rules and regulations, procedures and so on. Some of the corporate lawyers work in the law schools, preparing future young corporate lawyers. In Washington, today many of the lawyers use Internet and computer for their work, along with conventional papers and libraries. Most of the lawyers work from offices. Some meet clients at their own offices, or some other places.

Bikash is an MBA who works as an freelance writer. He worked for one of the best private banks in India. He has been writing for the last 5 years. He has worked with many US,UK and Indian clients. Visit him at