Thursday, September 27, 2007

Artificial Intelligence - Where Are We Today?

Indeed, we hear a lot about Artificial Intelligence these days, but few people really understand what artificial intelligence really is. Even more confusing to newcomers and novices is that many folks that are in the artificial intelligence field debate its definition. Still compounding the issue is when commercial ventures begin touting their technologies as artificially intelligent driven, when actually they are not.

There are a couple of different categories that those in the field of artificial intelligence fall into. One is those who believe that artificial intelligence is computer software which mimics human decision making or appears to mimic human decision making. Then there is the group that calls themselves purists who believe that neural network processing is true artificial intelligence. Of course we will be discussing both types. We will also touch upon all the different applications, technologies which are or appear to be similar enough, that their creators or marketers have labeled as artificial intelligence.

Today we most commonly find that such applications as search engines on the Internet, autonomous operation and interactive eLearning systems, as well as recognition software for speech, facial features, finger prints, spell checkers, voice, anti-spam programs or algorithms which scan databases to find anomalies. Of course the more intense the application for instance self-driving cars, self-piloted planes, corporate telephone systems, weather prediction, stock trading, military net-centric warfare, automated warehousing or computer space systems the more important artificial intelligence becomes.

It should be relatively easy to see that artificial intelligence has changed our lives as much as computers themselves and in the future even more still with artificially intelligent robotic androids in our homes and decision making computers at work. In the future we will have artificial intelligence running our government, transportation systems, money flows, environment, distribution systems, virtual reality entertainment systems and just about everything you could possibly dream up. Perhaps after reading this book you may in fact think of more applications in your industry?

Is the sky the limit to artificial intelligence? Indeed, it does appear to be and yet perhaps not, as we are already using AI underwater and underground, therefore the sky is not the limit and neither is the ground or anything else in this dimension. Artificial intelligence is not even limited to time, space, energy or matter in a single dimension. In the future humans may have add-on features where man and machine is merged using Artificially Intelligent components. So when we examine where we are today with Artificial Intelligent Systems the answer most appropriate would be; We are at the Tip of the Ice Berg.

The more pressing question is how shall we proceed? Does mankind have the discipline and integrity to continue the forward progression of this technology without sacrificing or risking all we are and all we have built; perhaps that indeed is the greatest question of all?

L. Winslow is a Technology and Economic Advisor to the Online Think Tank, a Futurist and retired entreprenuer. Currently he is planning a bicycle ride across the US to raise money for charity and is sponsored by and all the proceeds will go to various charities who sign up.

Learn FOREX - No Experience Necessary

When we think about the FOREX, we often hear about how hard it is but would you like to know how to learn FOREX with no experience necessary? Don't get me wrong, FOREX is difficult and risky but you can learn it even if you have no prior trading experience. You don't have to be a genius or a finance specialist to learn with this system either.

What you need is an investment strategy for FOREX that really works- not a gimmick, or a scam designed to take your money and leave you with little in return. There are so many different programs and systems on the market promising you get-rich-quick schemes and multi-million dollar plots for success that never follow through with their promises and that are really just marketing schemes designed to help some other guy get rich off of your misfortune.

Using the same techniques and most of the other traders will not make you successful. You must have more. You need that extra something to push you over the top and better than the majority. You need something that makes you stand out from the rest and succeed in ways that they do not. You also need to learn the proper techniques to help you control your own portfolio instead of letting the market control you.

Many people think that it takes years of experience to learn the secrets and techniques of the top traders in the market. While this may have been true in the past, it is not necessarily true anymore. What if there was someone willing to tell you all their secrets? If someone with years of experience in the market took the time to show you and teach you all that they knew, then you would start out jumping from a total beginner to someone very experienced and all in a very short time.

What if there was also someone capable of taking that information they have acquired and creating a system that makes it easy to trade in the foreign exchange even with no past experience? You can then begin to control your trades and create a winning portfolio and find your own financial freedom. Isn't it time that you enjoy life without having to work so hard?

When I first started researching the Forex I learned that it would take months to learn and studying charts and graphs and a lot of money to get started. Something that a full time job would not allow me to do.

Then a good friend of mine introduced me to a forex investment strategy. He told me how easy it was to learn and how it required no formal training and that I could be up and running in less than 3 hours. He also told me that he was earning monthly what banks and mutual funds were earning yearly.

You can only imagine my skepticism. So I started doing some research on the company and the proprietary software they were using. I took a leap of faith and opened up a demo account, and to my surprise everything that they claimed was true. I can honestly say that I'm earning more a month than my mutual funds and my bank are earning a year. This company does truly care about people and that is rare in this industry. I opened up my Live account on April 10, 2007 and I'm doing very well.

Check it out for yourself.

Hot Share Tips

It's official! Australia is the largest nation of shareholders with direct share ownership more than doubling since 1997 to 40.6 per cent. That figure rises to 54 per cent of all adult Australians when managed funds are taken into account.

We're also trading more shares. The Australian Stock Exchange reports the average number of trades has nearly trebled in the past year to 79,000 a day.

Large new floats such as Telstra has fueled the growth of private share ownership. For example, almost one million of the two million people who invested in our largest telecommunications company were first time investors. They haven't been disappointed with their return on capital and many have branched out into other well-known stock such as Coles-Myer, Qantas, AMP, Commonwealth Bank and others.

Smaller and less-well known companies are also floating on the stock exchange in record numbers. In the last half of 1999 more than 104 new companies went public.

Share ownership in Australia cuts across all age groups, socio-economic, ethnic and geographical boundaries. The motivation for most investors is to make money and create wealth.

Newer investors have been in a rising or "bull" market and seen their so-called "paper profits" soar. Internet and technology based companies have also been floated in record numbers with astonishing results. Many "Mum and Dad" investors are instant experts and looking for that next "dot com" company on which to make their fortune.

But what are the keys to successful share investing? Ron Bennetts is Principle Manager WA for stockbrokers J.B. Were and author of "The Australian Stock Market: A Guide for Players, Planners and Procrastinators".

His advice is simple, "invest some time as well as money, look for quality management in quality companies with earnings growth."

Bennetts defines these companies as ones that are strong and likely to increase their earnings per share. He believes the technology area is a growth sector and the bubble may burst but there will be growth.

"Look at the companies that have the qualities rather than a marketing plan that has little chance of bearing fruit," he says.

One of the keys too successful investing is diversification and Bennetts says you don't need more than 12 stocks to diversify your portfolio. He also believes 15 per should be overseas shares and this is often 25 per cent for more aggressive investors.

On seeking independent advice versus investing yourself, Bennetts says "the cost of buying and selling is often viewed as a false economy" and suggests first time investors seek professional advice.

Ten Tips for First Time Share Investors

1.Set your objectives and work out a budget for how much you want to invest.

2.Avoid speculating. Do some homework about the risks of investing in the stock market and spend time gaining knowledge on how the stock market works.

3.Take a long-term view of your investment.

4.Avoid reacting to short-term pressure and expect some volatility in the market.

5.Identify quality shares in a growth sector. Look for good quality management in industries likely to grow in the future.

6.Diversify your portfolio to spread your risk. This should ideally include about 10 stocks. Less than 10 are not enough diversification and more than 15 is too hard to handle.

7.Compliment your Australian share portfolio with international shares. Exposure overseas can typically be through managed funds.

8.Buy into a managed fund if you only have small amounts of money to invest. A managed fund is an investment where you have a manager that gives you diversification in pooled funds with other investors. To buy direct most advisors believe you need a minimum of $50,000 to do anything meaningful.

9.Monitor your portfolio as closely as possible on the performance of the companies you are investing in.

10.Seek professional advice from a qualified stockbroker or financial planner.

Thomas Murrell MBA CSP is an international business speaker, consultant and award-winning broadcaster. Media Motivators is his regular electronic magazine read by 7,000 professionals in 15 different countries.

You can subscribe by visiting Thomas can be contacted directly at +6189388 6888 and is available to speak to your conference, seminar or event. Visit Tom's blog at